Aug 3, 2017

T&D 1

T & D is an integral process in Human Resource Management used to find out the gaps in technical & behavioural skills of employees and develop ways to minimize it. This is usually achieved through various training programs so as to increase efficiency & overall productivity of the organisation. The T&D needs in an organization are usually quantified through competency mapping techniques.
The Human Resource caters to the well being of it’s employees with their goals aligned with the growth of organization. T&D plays an important role towards this commitment and abolishes the impression of master slave relationship between employer and employee and helps both to evolve.
T&D provides healthy opportunity for growth both to individual and organization as a whole in long & short term. It enhances employee skills, provides stability and makes them adaptive to  various circumstances within the organization.
The competency mapping starts with HR finding the skill gaps of employees. This involves compiling the list of required skills for a given JD as against the working skills in a skill set book. The manager of respective groups needs to align with HR on identifying their employee’s skill gaps.  This information is then passed on to Finance which prepares the T&D budget and gets approval from the top management.  HR  then comes out with Training Calendar for the whole year for various divisions. The Trainer is decided based on employee’s previous training feedback, his skills and availability. be continued

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