Apr 13, 2009

Trip to Ganga

The trip was a good opportunity to flex my muscles against nature's tyranny. We started at 3.20 am and reached the destination after 6 hours. Our rafting started at around 2.30pm the same day and it went on for two hours. We made a quick acquaintance with lingos like raft, paddle, rapids. Rapids are places where water flow gets turbulent and makes rafting quite thrilling. Our captain gave us instructions regarding safety, ways of propelling the raft and a lot more. Swimming in flowing waters is much different from swimming in still waters and this is what i realized after swimming hopelessly for 2-2.5Km. I jumped off my boat the moment we received orders for swimming. Initially i crossed a rapid enthusiastically with water splashing over me from all directions and went far ahead. But i had a tough time to move against the flow while waiting for my raft and was getting drifted with the flow inspite of my efforts. The camping was in a scenic place amid the valleys and i earned a perfect good night sleep after watching the moon rise. By the late night water levels had changed drastically and they returned normal the next morning and i still cant figure out the exact reason. We camped there for a night and rafted the next day as well. The snaps attached can describe better. One captures the flower garden on a roadside restaurant 'cheetal grand', the other one captures rafts crossing a rapid called by name 'return to sender' and the third one captures the moon rise in valley.


Panda said...

WOW!!! i am jealous..
where exactly was this..

sambozia said...

its in a place named shivpuri 14km from rishikesh